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How we work
Welcome dear client, colleague on the renewed website of Stekbedrijf De Laat.
We are a company that uses plant multiplication techniques to produce high quality seedlings in the form of a rooted plant plug or cups. Our company is outfitted with a specialized tropical greenhouse (with fog systems) to root the most difficult plants, a cold greenhouse (where plants are hardened, fed, cut, and made ready for your delivery) and finally we also still use classic tunnel greenhouses. Depending on the species we are producing, we choose the optimal combination. Please feel free to have a look at our Photo gallery
In our Assortment list, you will find the species we most often produce. Included are ground-coverers, bushes, sedentary plants and luxury grasses. We have some specialties like Pennisetum species, Ilex Crenata species, Waldsteinia… If you can't find the species you're looking for, please contact us. Over the years we have downsized our regular assortment but we have successfully bred over 200 kinds of plants, so we have enough experience to help you out with specific questions.
We are a dynamic company and we want to help you as best we can. Consequently, today we often work on client demand instead of selling a fixed stock. We prefer working through fixed contracts but are flexible enough to also handle highly customized client demands. As a client, you can for instance contact us to discuss using different cup sizes or a different amount of seedlings per cup to, best suit your needs.
Our cuttings originate from:
Our own mother plants
Bought cuttings from Belgium, The Netherlands and Africa
Clients who deliver their own cuttings
At Stekbedrijf De Laat, you can count on a relationship based in trust by delivering products with the best value for money, where you can leave your big number orders in safe hands.
Please take a look on our website, and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact form, or you can call the owner Alexander De Laat directly on: 0032(0)472/63.42.80
You are more than welcome to make an appointment to visit us on site.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Alexander De Laat
Stekbedrijf De Laat - Sint-Antoniusweg 95A, B-3910 Neerpelt - - 0032 (0) 472 63 42 80
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